

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers


Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, September 10, 2007

Walking around the neighborhood

Reed found this pink camo hat for Hallie that we tried to put on her for our walk around the neighborhood yesterday. I thought she looked so cute I had to have a picture!

Hallie's visit with her cousin Bentley

Ashley (Reed's sister) and Bentley came to visit us and play with Hallie. Hallie is wearing her bunny slippers from Bentley. They also informed us that Ashley is pregnant with baby number 3! We are so excited!!

Week 5

Wow! The first few weeks were pretty intense and I now think I am getting the hang of being a mom. Hallie is settling into more of a routine, well sort of, at least she is sleeping for 5-6 hour stretches at night so that we can get some more sleep! We had her one-month check up last Thursday and she is already 8 lbs 6 ozs and healthy! Her Gramby will be here tomorrow to help out for a couple of weeks and we can't wait! Hallie is becoming more and more alert during the day and LOVES being held, so the extra help will be wonderful!