

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers


Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Friday, December 18, 2009

Kinley's First Road Trip

We drove over to Ft. Walton a week ago to visit with Reed's parents and sister. Hallie had a blast being spoiled by her Gram B and loved visiting with her cousins!

Hallie and her cousins, Vandy Cheerleader and Brownie face

Here are some recent photos - Reed's sister and her kids came to visit us! Hallie also helped me make brownies and Hallie in her Vanderbilt cheerleading outfit! Go 'Dores!

Welcome baby Kinley!

We welcomed Kinley Marie on November 14, 2009. Hallie loves her new baby sister!

Sunday, February 8, 2009


I have been very delinquent in my postings over the holidays. Thanksgiving, Christmas and the New Year came and went. We spent Thanksgiving with my family and went to Ft. Walton with Reed's family for Christmas. Reed also celebrated his birthday on December 3 with a party at home! Hallie helped with the ice cream too! Christmas was lots of fun with Hallie but I think she liked the wrapping and boxes more than the presents at first! We spent New Year's in New York with some of Reed's fraternity brothers and brought Hallie! Had a blast but we were exhausted on our return! Reed and I just got back from skiing in Park City without Halllie! We had a blast and the weather was nice for me! I'll publish those pictures soon!