

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers


Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Week 3

We are still getting adjusted to life with Hallie. Reed is wonderful with her and helps me a ton when he is home. This past week he was out of town for work and wouldn't you know it we had a bad storm and a neighbor's tree knocked out our power for 24 hours! Hallie and I made it through the night with candles and flashlights! As you can see, Hallie loves her Daddy!

1 comment:

The Bucklers said...

So precious and beautiful ~ keep the pictures coming!! :) You asked about Signing books, etc. ~ We read "Sign with your Baby" and let her watch "Baby Signing Time" and "Signing Time" Videos (she LOVED them!). Now, I am certified with "Baby Signs" as an Instructor, and we use their products, as well as the other ones. There is a great book for parents, called "Baby Signs", videos and books for babies, and we have parent workshops, as well as classes for parents and babies to attend together ~ go to . Hope this helps!! It has been an amazing experience for us (TRULY cuts down on frustration before they speak) and it's such fun to communicate with your little one!!