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Wednesday, May 21, 2008

House Hunting in Jacksonville

We have been down in Florida house hunting and we put an offer on a house and got it! We will be driving back down to Jacksonville this weekend for the home inspection and plan to close mid-June. Now we just need a buyer for our Richmond house.......

Over the last month Hallie has been on the move. She started crawling and her latest trick is to stand up on everything! We went to Ft Walton and Hallie got to swim in GramB's and Gramp's pool, she hung out with Gramps on the porch, and Zeke went for a ride with Reed in the sea kayak. While in Jacksonville Hallie went to the beach with her cousin Thomas!

1 comment:

Brandi Raye Turner said...

congrats on the new house!! how fun. you'll have to post pictures before you move in- if you wait until you're all moved in and situated, we'll never get to see it ; ) have you found a job down there yet?