

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers


Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Saturday, October 11, 2008


It's been a while and I am happy to report we are getting very settled in Jacksonville. I started my new job in July working as environmental attorney for the City. Hallie started "school" in August and it is going pretty well. The teacher has already filled out 2 "accident reports." The first one was because Hallie feel down and bumped her head. I thought the bump was due to her falling out of the golf cart at mom's house the day before but the teacher said no it was a new bruise. Hallie is not the most graceful walker and does not look before she walks. I am hoping this gets better with time... The second report was from last week when a little boy in her class bit her. Luckily he did not break the skin and I am glad Hallie wasn't the one doing the biting! Reed's work is going well too and it is so nice having him around more! We are having fun and I have some new photos that I will try to put up soon!


The Bucklers said...

I am so glad things are going so well for yall in Jacksonville! And I cant wait to see the new pix of Hallie when you are able to post them. Brad and I are really looking forward to seeing yall next weekend at the reunion. Can you believe it ~ 10 years?!?! Travel safely!! Love you!

Brandi Raye Turner said...

Yay!! She's still alive! Just giving you a hard time. I haven't touched my blog in over a month, but prepare yourself for a torrent of new posts in the next week : ) Can't wait to see you guys in Nashville!!!!!! It hasn't REALLY been 10 years has it?!