

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers


Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Summer 2010

Well, we have had busy summer - first Kinley and I went to Maine. See entry below. Then the whole family made it to Ft. Walton Beach to stay at Reed's parent's condo where Hallie played "beauty salon" with Daddy's hair. There were tar balls on the beach but not like what the news portrayed and it sure didn't stop us! We celebrated Hallie's 3rd birthday with a party planned by her Gram B and her cousin Bentley - Dora and princess all the way! We then finished it off with a trip to the Outer Banks with some friends and their kids! Kinley continues to grow way too fast - she is standing on her own and "cruising" on anything she can reach. Hallie continues to test me at times but she is such a riot! I think sometimes it should be the terrible 3s not 2s in Hallie's case! Reed is busy with Taco Bells and other projects but luckily he has been around alot since Kinley's birth but that is about to change here soon as he has a new store to build.

1 comment:

Brandi Raye Turner said...

I love the new updates!! I can't believe how big the girls are! Are you still working full time? I'm not sure how you do it. I'm only in the office two days a week and I can hardly keep up with my 3! Y'all look great. Give my love to Reed and the girls, and the rest of your family!