

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers


Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Sunday, August 12, 2007

I have been very delinquent in my postings but will now update you on Hallie's arrival! My last month of pregnancy was very busy! I spent most of it trying to get everything ready for the baby's arrival! Here is a picture of me in our backyard on July 30, 2 days before I went into labor. I planned to be induced the morning of Thursday August 2 but Hallie decided to come a little earlier. Luckily mom, dad and Ashley were able to change their tickets and arrive at the hospital in time to welcome Hallie! Dan and Bobbi made it to Richmond the day she was born and were able to see us in the hospital too!


The Bucklers said...

Congratulations!! How absolutely darling are you?! :) I love this last picture ~ and now, I can't wait to see a posted picture of Miss Hallie, herself! Love you!!

Brandi Raye Turner said...

I'm so excited to see all these pictures!! You look so beautiful and Hallie is gorgeous!!!!! Can you believe we're all moms now?! I watched that new series "Nashville" tonight and I almost cried with nostaligia for the good ole days. Much love and congrats, Brandi