

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers


Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

New York Trip!

Our trip to New York was a success! We arrived Friday and other than not napping the day went pretty well. Of course they put me on the wrong side of the plane and decided to move me right when I started to nurse Hallie. She screamed when I took her food away and but calmed down after I got her resituated and she finished eating. Once in the city and having put my exhausted baby down to sleep with the babysitter, we all went out to dinner at Tao - yum! Mom and dad went back early so that Ashley and I could stay out a little while longer with Martin. What can I say - Ashley and I are such party animals! Saturday was lots of fun too - mom hired a driver to take us around and shop! I felt like a rock star in the Hummer with black tinted windows and it did make it much more enjoyable with the babies. Saturday night we went to see Young Frankenstein, which was pretty funny. Hallie and I flew out Sunday without a hitch! Hallie can't wait to go back to the big City again!

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