

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers


Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, December 6, 2010

Other updates

Hallie had her first dance open house. As you can tell she was a little distracted that I was there but it was fun getting to see what she has learned! She loves to dance at home and she puts on my/Ashley's old ballet costumes that mom somehow saved!

Kinley's First Birthday

We celebrated Kinley's first birthday with friends and family! Kinley had a blast!

Monday, November 8, 2010

Halloween 2010

Halloween was great fun! Hallie was princess Aurora and Kinley was a lady bug. We pulled the girls around the neighborhood. Hallie couldn't get enough candy!

Thursday, October 28, 2010

October 2010

This time last year I was about to pop with Kinley so I must admit that this Halloween has been much better! Here are some photos of Hallie and Kinley at the pumpkin patch!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Summer 2010

Well, we have had busy summer - first Kinley and I went to Maine. See entry below. Then the whole family made it to Ft. Walton Beach to stay at Reed's parent's condo where Hallie played "beauty salon" with Daddy's hair. There were tar balls on the beach but not like what the news portrayed and it sure didn't stop us! We celebrated Hallie's 3rd birthday with a party planned by her Gram B and her cousin Bentley - Dora and princess all the way! We then finished it off with a trip to the Outer Banks with some friends and their kids! Kinley continues to grow way too fast - she is standing on her own and "cruising" on anything she can reach. Hallie continues to test me at times but she is such a riot! I think sometimes it should be the terrible 3s not 2s in Hallie's case! Reed is busy with Taco Bells and other projects but luckily he has been around alot since Kinley's birth but that is about to change here soon as he has a new store to build.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Trip to Southwest Harbor, Maine

Mom, Ashley, Thomas, me and Kinley made a trip up to my grandmother's house in Maine. Ashley and I left the 2 year olds at home with the dads! We had a nice time - the weather was great and the kids behaved! We visited Thunder Hole, Jordon Pond for lunch, hiked up a mountain (Kinley in tow on my back), Thomas played on the rocks and Kinley learned to crawl! Things have been going well. I am back to work and we are enjoying the summer. Kinley is getting big so fast and Hallie keeps us busy too! She has quite a personality and is becoming "daddy's girl" for sure! Reed is now gone to Alaska for a "guys" trip so we'll be entertaining ourselves this weekend! More soon!

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Mikey's Graduation from Vanderbilt

We made a family trip for one more Vanderbilt graduation. We took both the girls and had a nice time. The weather held off so I was glad we didn't have graduation inside. The picture is one Reed took of Hallie in time-out - what for I can't remember. She likes to declare her independence often so I imagine it was probably for not listening to her daddy.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Happy Easter and Kinley's Baptism

Hallie had a blast sitting on the Easter bunny's lap, finding eggs and eating chocolate! We also had Kinley baptized over Easter weekend. Her godparents are my brother Michael and my sister Ashley.

Saturday, February 13, 2010


I have been enjoying my time home with my two babies as Hallie likes to remind me. Kinley is such a great baby compared to my colicky little Hallie. I had some photos taken of us for our Christmas card/birth announcement and I have posted here. I will be starting back to work in March. I can't believe how quickly time has flown!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Christmas 2009

Santa was good to Hallie this year! She got a bouncehouse from Santa that she and her cousins, Thomas and Lawson, jumped in all day long! I already received my Christmas present (Kinley) in November. Mom was able to force the annual Christmas card picture on us and here are a few pics from that day. I am working on having a photographer come to take pictures of my girls for my Christmas card/birth announcement which will of course will be late.