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Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Getting ready for travel with Hallie.....

Well, Hallie and I are getting ready for our NY trip. It is much more complicated getting out of town with a baby! I have actually traveled with Hallie a few times but I have had Reed there to help me! So, in the midst of packing up me and Hallie and all of her bottles, food, spoons, diapers, burp cloths and 5,000 changes of clothes (because she will inevitably explode through whatever I have her in at the airport tomorrow - ask Reed about how she loves to pee on me in the airport too), I almost forgot to arrange to take Zeke to the kennel! I just called and made him a reservation and packed up his food for the weekend. Poor dog he takes a back seat now that we have the baby. Luckily, he's such a good dog! Anyhow, I think we are set ...I just have to get there now........


The Bucklers said...

Your recent posts are great and the pictures are darling!! I check often and love to see the new posts/pictures. I feel your pain about the distractions a baby brings ~ especially when you dont have the help of your hubby! Just chalk it up to "baby brain," and go on your way! :) Love yall!!

The Bucklers said...

Your recent posts are great and the pictures are darling!! I check often and love to see the new posts/pictures. I feel your pain about the distractions a baby brings ~ especially when you dont have the help of your hubby! Just chalk it up to "baby brain," and go on your way! :) Love yall!!

Brandi Raye Turner said...

If I were you, I'd take TWO changes of clothes on the plane for Hallie, and a shirt for you, just to be safe : ) It's true- when traveling with a baby, they WILL have a blow out or throw up at the most inconvenient time and place, especially in your case, since you're alone. It's Murphy's Law and so unfair!