

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers


Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Thursday, February 21, 2008

I can sit up by myself!

Hallie is now sitting up by herself...sorta. She has a tendancy to get tired and topple over but she can sit by herself if she really wants to! In these pictures she is wearing an outfit that was mine (and maybe Ashley's too). Thanks mom! Mom saves just about anything that she thinks we might need and now that I have a little girl I am glad she saved all of my clothes!


The Bucklers said...

What a big girl she is ~ and so "smart" to sit up all by herself!! :) She is so darling, Kristina!! Keep the pictures coming.

The Bucklers said...

What a big girl she is ~ and so "smart" to sit up all by herself!! :) She is so darling, Kristina!! Keep the pictures coming.